
If you are a new owner of a sewing machine or have been using one for quite a while, learning how to do a proper maintenance should now be on your to do list.

As with every machine with mechanical parts, sewing machine requires constant cleaning and oiling. Failing to do so, your machine will start to deteriorate far quickly than it should be. It will become noisy as the friction between moving parts will increase. Result? The thread will keep on breaking (which no one want because what can be more frustrating?) and your sewing projects won’t be as great as they should be.

I have complied 5 main points on machine maintenance to ensure smooth running and durability of your sewing machine. So, if you have just recently bought one, thinking of buying one or are an old fellow sewer and own one for a long time, there tips are for all of you.

1 – How often you need to clean your machine?

Cleaning simply means removing any dust particle or tiny thread pieces trapped inside the machine. If you just bought the machine and are doing simple light sewing projects on cotton fabric, you need to clean your machine after every 4 to 6 months.

However, if you are working with fabrics or materials which thread more frequently, you need to clean your machine more frequently too. These materials may include polyester sheets (while crafting bags or making quilts), foams, hard interfacing, and canvas fabrics.

If working on any materials mentioned above, I would suggest cleaning your machine after every project or maximum 1 month.

2 – How often you need to oil your machine

Oiling should be done after every 3 to 6 months depending on the type of materials or how frequently you are using the machine.

Keep a lookout on the noise a machine makes. If machine is making little to no nose while working, then jo oiling is required yet. However, if you feel like that the machine is making more noise than usual or the wheel feels hard to move, then it’s time to clean and oil your machine thoroughly.

3 – Tools required to clean and oil your machine

You will require 4 basic tools to open, clean and oil your machine

  • Brush for cleaning (comes with the machine parts)
  • Screwdriver
    • It comes with the machine. You can also use your own as per your convenience (preferably a flat head)
  • A soft cotton cloth piece (must be any a sot fabric for cleaning out the dust)
  • A good quality machine oil.
    • A good quality machine oil is must. A machine oil is colorless and odorless and very light liquid that does not get clogged into the machine parts.
    • Always try to find the best machine oil for your machine. A bad quality oil can interfere with the machine’s performance.

4 – Steps to clean and oil your machine

I shared a details video on how to clean and oil your machine and you can watch the detailed step by step video at this link.

  • First and the most important step is to unplug your machine before starting on the cleaning and oiling process.
  • Then we start with opening the part above the foot and cleaning it thoroughly. After cleaning the parts, we put a drop of oil at two main junction points through which the piston moves up and down.
  • Then we open the area below the foot and clean it thoroughly.
  • Then comes the bobbin case and bobbin case holder. This is the parts which need most cleaning as most of the thread is trapped here. So, clean the case and holder thoroughly. Oil the bobbin case holder between the parts where it rotates.
  • Place back everything together and close it all up.

5 –  Keep your machine under cover

Always keep your machine unplugged and covered when not in use. It will ensure entry of minimum dust articles and less chances of clogging up of machine parts.

One cover is always available with the machine packaging, keep it safe or since you are a sewer, sew on for yourself. BUT ALWAYS HAVE A COVER ON.

2 Responses

    1. Thankyou so much for appreciating 🙂 It’s such a beautiful form of art, not just limited to sewing clothes but the possibilities are endless and I want to portray that 🙂

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